Brand: IFM


Supply products: IFM Position Sensors, IFM Motion Control Sensors, IFM Industrial Imaging, IFM Safety Technology, IFM Process Sensors, IFM Industrial Communications, IFM IO-Link, IFM Identification Systems, IFM Condition Monitoring Systems, IFM Systems for Mobile Vehicles and Construction Machinery, IFM Connection Technology, IFM Software, IFM Switching Power Supplies


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Brand Introduction
  Since its foundation in 1969, IFM has been committed to technological processes in industry.With more than 5,200 employees in more than 70 countries, IFM develops and sells mainly to industries such as machine building, with more than about 100,000 users. In 1969 the family-owned company invented the inductive proximity sensor based on thin-film technology. Today, the “efector” brand is synonymous with position and fluid sensors, object recognition, diagnostics and identification systems, while the “ecomat” brand is the result of networking and control systems.

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